A NEW YEAR-2024 imageA NEW YEAR-2024 imageA NEW YEAR-2024 image
May/June -still raining! But the rain ensures all is green, the horses are fat, my garden is loving it, the trees,the corridors, all looking fabulous! I must get some new photos up-  Got a great bunch of Volunteers here! enjoying the company & the progress, Wonderful to see my gardens all weeded & looking amazing!  We have planted more Agapanthus! my Marguerite Daisy flowering! And the little native shrubs coming along!  Our King Parrots come in every morning! our Pigeons- Kookaburras-Blue Wrens-Willie Wagtail- they love our Hakea!  I hope you are all well & enjoying 2024 so far! as long as you don't look st the TV news!  lunatics & crazy times! lets hope in Australia we can remain sane?
  Luv you all Norma xxxx
Three generations- Norma-Daughters -Niki & Michelle & Grand daughter Sarah! -  Our beautiful birds!