Hello Potential Volunteers, 

We are starting to plan our support crew for 2024 whether you are a newby-or an old hand -you are all most welcome! either way we would love to welcome you for 2024. to be part of our Bony Mountain team!  
Don't be shy! if you can cook? or sing? or are a poet? can you make people laugh? if you are a bit of a joker? well get up & have a go on our Walk Up program! or are you really good at dealing with people! decorations? have a flair for Artistic stuff? fantastic -you can have a free hand here! We actually are featuring two resident Artists (locals) in our Gallery this year- so lots happening!
Each year we learn more about what it takes to run a great festival, and each year while the challenges may change, we aim to get better at how we get everything done. Even with no previous experience- we welcome any new helpers! Our more seasoned Volunteers will help guide you- with whatever you choose to assist with. If you need Accommodation- (please advise)- we can guarantee you'll enjoy every minute!

This year, we are hoping to have a Site Manager-to pull everyone together & create a smooth -coordinated team. 

We need to also make sure that being a volunteer is a fun and rewarding experience. That could mean if you would like to try and learn something new, then as a Team we will try to find a way to make that happen. You might like to learn to ride a quad and help with the parking, drive a ute to water the roads, or you are a budding pyro who would enjoy lighting and tending the fires of a night. Or maybe you just want to try something different for just one day. If so, then we would like to think we could create the opportunities to make these things happen. Instead of the front gate all day, perhaps your preferred break is a couple of hours at HQ listening to the artists. Of course, you would like a few hours to just put your feet up from time to time.

We invite you to complete the Volunteer Application form below, this will give us a good idea of how well we are likely to be positioned for 2024

We look forward to meeting you.

 Norma and the team



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